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As my project also relates to scarification, i tried the product collodin, which is a material used to create scars as it pulls the skin tight. It was not that visible on the skin and did not create enough of a 3d effect to resemble veins, so therefore was not suitable.

I experimented with homemade bondo of the mix of cab-o-sil and prosaide in my last project. However i decided to purchase the pre made bondo as it also includes other ingredients that prodce better final results. 


I found this bondo smooth and easy to apply within the mould and allow clean edges, It also dried alot faster, within 1 day at room temperature. 



Once ready i added pros-aide to the material and then pressed the whole mould down onto the arm, and carefully lifted it away. Some of the bondo came out precisely but the majority stuck within the mould. This may be due to the areas being small an thin, which is surrounded by a large heavy mould. Although it did not work for the circuit veins, i found that this bondo is easy and of better quality than the home made mix, so i will therefore consider this material in my future work.

I experimented with a more basic material that does not involve sculpting or moulds. I found it easy to use and applied well to the skin. However it does not withstand much movement and will crack and fall off. Although time is saved from the making process, it takes longer to apply and therefore may not be suitable within industry, It does allow a creation of a design, quickly and cheaply, which could help when testing out ideas on the skin.

Another more basic product was tuplast thats used to create scars. it easy to use, but you must work fast before it starts to dry and pull at the shape. The material was very translucent and created a subtle look on the skin. It created more straighter lines the wax and could withhold movement alot better. However it can be easily rubbed off or distorted, which makes it less practical. 


I also went over thetop using skin illustrator paint, which produced a really nice glassy effect. Again I do not feel that it is suitable for my current design but It may become useful in other makeup so it's important to remember and refer to this experimentation.

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